Saturday, January 7, 2017

Ep 31 - Cat Flippen: "Your joy is your fuel for passion"

Image result for Cat flippen

Cat Flippen is an Instructional Technology Specialist in Georgia, USA. She is also a passionate educator, technology leader, driven changemaker, curious explorer, Google Certified Innovator, named an ISTE Emerging Leader (2014), and a sarcoma conqueror.

Listen in to hear what Cat has to say about how she became a teacher and then an instructional tech specialist, her new website, her journey through Cancer and publicly sharing her journey, her one work for 2017 (grit), her Doctorate, achievement and not getting the things you think you want/need, the importance of stories and sharing them, the importance of balance, being a mom and going after your passion, being a mom and battling Cancer, the Android onesie, what generally motivates/inspires her, what she would she would say to someone to help motivate/inspire them, how much of a geek she is, and joy and passion!

You can listen to the Podcast here.

You can connect with Cat on Twitter (@CatFlippen).

Check out her blog: Cat Flippen

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