Sunday, April 30, 2017

Ep 46 - Keith Whittier: "What is it about life that gets you excited?"

Image result for keith whittier

Born and raised in Ottawa, ON, Keith Whittier is a passionate individual. Professionally, he works for a telecommunications company. Personally, he sees several movies a week and reviews them at his website, - Aside from his love of films Keith is a big sports fan! He does movie reviews on the radio in Ottawa and contributes to Ottawa Life Magazine. 

Listen in to what Keith has to say about the work he does and what he is passionate about, Video Blogs and providing content for Ottawa Life magazine, his enjoyment of movies and his thoughts about people and their opinions, his favourite movies, when his love for movies and reviewing them started, his process (flow), his involvement with the Ottawa Redblacks Cheerleading Team, what generally motivates him, working as a movie review/vlogger, and what he would say to others to help them find motivation. 

You can listen to the podcast here.

You can connect with Keith on Twitter (@cfl_fan) and at his website ( Also, make sure to check out his movie reviews on the Ottawa Life site ( 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ep 45 - Rodney Turner: "Where are you emotionally and personally?"

Rodney Turner, M.Ed

Rodney Turner is an Educational Consultant in Phoenix, Arizona. He has a passion for modelling and facilitating the integration of Edtech with faculty, students, and families. He is a leader in his district as he researches, evaluates, and distributes technology resources; coordinates with school administration to provide school wide training; and assists with technology infused curriculum planning and leadership. Aside from his work as an educator, he is a father to two young boys!

Listen in to hear what he has to say about being an authentic social media user, the work he is currently doing as an Educational Consultant, his journey as an educator, whether he always wanted to be a teacher, what it's like to be a father to two young boys, his interest in photography, his experience working with young students (preschool), attending Edtech conferences, what motivates him, what might he say to someone asking him about motivation, the internet - his earliest recollection of it - paper books, the importance of knowing how to research things properly, what "Not wires or pliers but educational consulting that inspires" means and where it came from, and how to connect with him.

You can listen to the podcast here.

You can connect with Rodney on Twitter (@techyturner), Voxer (techyturner), and his blog "What I Know Now" (

Monday, April 17, 2017

Ep 44: Kyle Pearce: "Self reflection is required"

Kyle Pearce Professional Headshot | Math Educator Teacher Presenter Facilitator Speaker

Kyle is a Math Consultant with the Greater Essex County School Board in Windsor, ON. When Kyle stated teaching in 2006 he quickly discovered that writing on the chalkboard and using traditional teaching methods were not going to engage his students. He starting integrating technology into his teaching and found that students were engaged and learning. In 2011, thanks to TLLP funding, he began integrating iPads into his Math classroom. At the same time, he started a blog to record his process and experiences. His work in Math has flourished and has led him to becoming a sought after presenter. His little blog, "Tap Into Teen Minds", has now turned into a common place to visit to learn more about teaching Mathematics more effectively.  

Listen in to what Kyle has to say about the work he is currently doing as a K-12 Math Consultant, his experience of being out of the classroom so far, his wife's work as a teacher, when he realized that Math was a core subject for him, growth mindset and Math, moving Math from regurgitation to conceptual understanding, what motivates him, his blog ( and Ontario's Teacher Learning and Leadership Program (TLLP), speaking/presenting outside of his district, what he would say to others to help them find motivation, and reflection - the where and why (miracle morning),

You can listen to the podcast here.

You can connect with Kyle at his website (, on Twitter (@mathletepearce), and on Facebook (

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Ep 43 - Dean Shareski: "Find your unfair advantage"

Image result for dean shareski

Dean is currently the Community Manager for Discovery Education Canada. Before taking on that role, he worked as a Digital Learning Consultant with the Prairie South School Division in Moose Jaw, SK, Canada. Previous to that he taught grades K-8 for 14 years. He specializes in the use of technology in the classroom and believes teachers and students ought to use technology to connect ideas and learners in safe, relevant, authentic ways to answer questions, share ideas and develop community. In 2016, he published a book called “Embracing Cultures of Joy” which assists educators in discovering how to equip students with the skills and qualities they’ll need to achieve academic success, by bringing joy to classrooms each day.

Listen in to hear what Dean has to say about his current work as the Community Manager for Discovery Education Canada (connecting educators to each other), Twitter and connecting with people, what motivates him, respect for teachers today as compared to years ago, about his belief that technology be used to connect ideas and learners in safe, relevant, and authentic ways, his book and the philosophy behind it, learning and how it doesn't always have to be "hard", the experience of writing a book, and what he might say to someone to help them find motivation/inspiration (be more of you!). 

You can listen to the podcast here.

Feel free to connect with Dean on Twitter (@shareski), his blog (, or a number of other social media sites via his site (

Friday, April 7, 2017

Ep 42 - Brenda Sherry: "Make new connections"

Brenda is an Education Officer with the Ontario Ministry of Education’s 21st Century Learning Unit. She has experienced a variety of positions in education prior to being seconded to the Ministry (teacher, instructional coach, and vice principal). Brenda is interested in engaging and empowering students using constructivist learning environments that bring the arts, science, math and technology together in powerful ways. She is a collaborative professional around the province, and beyond, to bring the best of learning with technology to Ontario students and teachers.

Listen in to hear what Brenda has to say about visiting Waterloo Catholic DSB to get a feel for the journey they have been on with 21st Century Learning, what led her to teaching and the journey she has been on (spec ed, classroom teacher [primary], literacy teacher, tech coach, vice principal, education officer), what led her to consider trying school administration/leadership, learning new things and accidentally preparing for future life experiences (school leadership), keeping an eye open for potential school leaders, what motivates her, her elementary and high school experience, what she would say to someone to help them find their motivation. 

You can listen to the podcast here.

You can connect with Brenda on Twitter (@brendasherry) and at her website