Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ep 41 - Kasey Bell: "Connect with people, share your voice"

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Kasey is a former middle school classroom teacher who is now a digital learning consultant in Dallas, Texas. She is also a national speaker (e.g. ISTE, FETC, TCEA), blogger (, podcaster (, and an author (The Teacher’s Guide to Google Classroom). She is passionate about technology and learning and it totally comes through when you interact with her. Kasey is a recipient of a Digital Innovation in Learning Award by EdSurge and Digital Promise, has been recognized as one of 20 TrustED educational thought leaders, and has been highly ranked as a EdTech and E-Learning Influencer on Twitter. 
Kasey Bell

Check out what Kasey had to say about her experiences as an educator and her current work, her website ( and blogging, an ISTE ignite speech about "voice", doing keynotes, the importance of writing and getting your ideas out, her Judy Jetson type avatar/cartoon, what motivates her, future job prospects for our children, her podcast (Google Teacher Tribe), Google Teacher Academy experience, what she might say to people to help them find motivation, teacher professional learning (EdCamps), her ebook about Google Certifications, and visiting Canada in the future.  
You can listen to the podcast here.

You can reach Kasey on Twitter (@ShakeUpLearning), her website,, or via email - 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Ep 40 - Andrew Campbell: "You have to bring focus and passion to what you are doing"

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Aside from being a classroom teacher in Brantford, ON, Andrew Campbell is a father, writer, and a thinker about education and technology. Andrew writes about education and technology on his blog and his thoughts on education have been published in The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, The Hamilton Spectator, The Brantford Expositor, on The Canadian Educational Association website, and The National Education Policy Center (US) website. He has been interviewed about education on Rogers Television, CBC, private radio, and on several podcasts. He speaks publicly about education, presents at education conferences in Canada and the US, and to parent groups in Ontario.

Listen in to hear what Andrew has to say about the work he is currently doing as a Junior teacher, being an educator, what he wanted to be when he 'grew' up, the Teaching Apprentice Program, his learning style, integrating technology into his classroom/practice, the realization of how blown away he was using the Internet, teaching overseas, what motivates/inspires him, being a writer and having his work published in newspapers, being invited to speak on the radio (French Immersion, Cell Phone Ban), good discussions, taking the kids to water parks, the experience of conforming to other customs/values/rules, what he would say to help someone find motivation/inspiration, and safe places to say whatever is on your mind. 

You can listen to the podcast here.

You can connect with Andrew on Twitter (@acampbell99) and/or at

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Ep 39 - Emily Gover: "Explore your passions and try new things"

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Emily part of the Flocabulary team in New York, NY. Technically, she is the Content Director of Marketing at Flocabulary but those that know her well, know that she is a big time supporter of EdTech in the hands of students and teachers to make learning the best it can be. Emily considers herself a writer, librarian, and a proud nerd!

Listen in to what Emily has to say about her love of podcasts, her passion for EdTech, her Graduate Studies, working for the company of the products she used when she was in University, what Flocabulary is and what she does there, living in New York City, growing up in England (and not having an accent), her successes as a student, deciding where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do in University, what motivates and inspires her, and what she would say to someone to help them become motivated/inspired.

You can listen to the podcast here.

You can connect with Emily on Twitter (@edtechjam) and/or via her website ( 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Ep 38 - Kara Welty: "Everyone has something to share - support them"

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Kara is a Mentor Teacher & Tech Integrationist in Kansas City, Missouri. She is a national speaker, writer, blogger, and webinar creator. She holds an Educational Administration degree which includes Elementary and Secondary Administration Certification. She is a firm believer in the power of building relationships, leadership that empowers ALL stakeholders, innovative learning that transcends beyond the classroom, using social media to create networks for yourself, staff, students, and for families, and purposeful and thoughtful technology integration. In 2013 she was recognized with the Missouri Outstanding Beginning Teacher Award and has recently been acknowledge as a METC Midwest Spotlight Educator.

Listen in to what Kara has to say about baseball and hockey, the work she does as a Mentor Teacher and Tech Integrationist and how she got into it, the best part of her job, her graduate studies in Administration and possible future endeavours, being recognized as an outstanding beginning teacher (following your heart and finding fulfillment), Megan Valois (listen to Episode 35 to hear all about her) and how they connected, visiting Canada, what it means to be a National speaker, being nominated and chosen as an METC Spotlight Educator, what generally motivates and inspires her (the energy of other people), knowing people in St. Louis, what she might say to someone to help them find motivation, and her experience helping others find motivation.    

You can listen to the podcast here.

You can connect with Kara on Twitter (@kara_welty) and at her website (